About the Kráľova studňa hotel
Kráľova studňa
The mountain hotel Kráľova studňa has been in continuous operation since 1951 in the protected environment of the Veľká Fatra National Park at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. Far from the hustle and bustle of civilization, deep in the heart of nature, it provides perfect conditions for gaining mental and physical strength. The renovated hotel with a rich history is known as a crossroads of tourist routes in Veľká Fatra and an important stop on the SNP Heroes’ Route.

Thanks to the complex reconstruction, which lasted from September 2006 to December 2009, the hotel currently offers accommodation and additional services for a wide range of guests (tourists, individuals, families and corporate clients). With its complexity, Kráľova Studňa can satisfy both demanding guests and everyday tourists. There is a choice of accommodation in the hotel or tourist area. The hotel is operated throughout the year and has a total capacity of 84 beds.
Regime of the hotel
Due to the unique location of the hotel, electricity, heat and water are not a matter of course. The mountain hotel is not connected to the electricity grid, so we produce our own energy using diesel generators. As part of the further greening of the hotel and a gentle approach to the environment, we are also trying the application of photovoltaic panels. For these reasons, we operationally adapt the operation mode of electricity according to the requirements of the hotel and hotel guests.
Thank you for saving electricity and nature with us.
A pleasant rest is enhanced by meals prepared by a great chef, which you can enjoy in the hotel restaurant, winter garden or on the terrace with a view of the Bystrica valley. A buffet with hot and cold food and drinks is available for guests staying in the tourist section.
Restaurant┃Winter garden┃Cafe
We welcome hotel guests in the restaurant, winter garden or on the terrace, where you can enjoy traditional and modern dishes. The gourmet experience at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level is enhanced by a beautiful view of the natural scenery. The capacity of the restaurant is 70 people.
In the cafe, you can enjoy good coffee or herbal teas while listening to good music or your favorite TV program. The cafe offers seating for 20 people.


There is nothing more pleasant than resting and relaxing after a difficult hike or a whole day of skiing. Here you can regenerate your body and mind in a wood-heated sauna with a capacity of 5-7 people.
Location of the hotel
The Kráľova Studňa hotel is located in Central Slovakia in the Veľká Fatra mountain range on its ridge below Krížna hill (1574 m above sea level) and Kráľova Studňa (1384 m above sea level). The hotel is located deep in the mountains, far from industrial areas, so there is excellent clean mountain air around the hotel, which is also suitable for medical stays for people with upper respiratory tract problems. The water in the hotel is from its own spring, without chemical treatment, which meets all hygiene standards and has an excellent taste.

The location of the hotel predetermines its use by tourists, as it is located at the crossroads of hiking trails. The most beautiful routes are to Gaderská dolina, Blatnická dolina, ridge hike Kráľova studňa – Borisov. The hotel is also located in Veľká Fatra Dark Sky Park, which guarantees excellent conditions for observing the night sky and distant constellations. You can reach the hotel by a year-round maintained access road through Zalámaná dolina.
Príjemný odpočinok umocňujú jedlá pripravované skvelým šéfkuchárom, ktoré si môžete vychutnať v priestoroch hotelovej reštaurácie, zimnej záhrady alebo na terase s výhľadom na Bystrickú dolinu. Pre turistov je k dispozícií bufet s ponukou teplých aj studených jedál a nápojov. Okrem toho je možné využívať upravené ohnisko 50 m od hotela.
V modernej štýlovej reštaurácii s kapacitou 70 osôb si môžete vychutnať tradičné jedlá. Gurmánsky zážitok v nadmorskej výške 1300 m n.m. umocňuje krásny výhľad na prírodnú scenériu vďaka zimnej záhrade s kapacitou 15 osôb.

V domácom prostredí kaviarne si môžete vychutnávať dobrú kávu, či bylinkové čaje pri dobrej hudbe alebo obľúbenom televíznom programe. Kaviareň ponúka posedenie pre 30 osôb.

Zimná Záhrada
V modernej štýlovej reštaurácii s kapacitou 45 osôb si môžete vychutnať tradičné jedlá. Gurmánsky zážitok v nadmorskej výške 1300 m n.m. umocňuje krásny výhľad na prírodnú scenériu vďaka zimnej záhrade s kapacitou 15 osôb.